Avant Marketing Group has released the Farm Media Usage/Preference Report. The study was conducted with Avant Marketing’s Farmer/Rancher Online Panel that includes over 850 row crop and livestock producers in 27 states with average acreage over 2,500 acres. The study reflects the diverse media usage of participants across both traditional and digital media.  The top five media sources for ag news and updates include websites, printed farm publications, apps, radio, and e-newsletters/bulletins.

Farmers/Ranchers have net increases in usage of certain media sources including websites, printed farm publications, apps, and radio.  Conversely, television, radio, printed farm publications, and podcasts/blogs show the largest decreases in usage for ag news and updates. The study also identified farmer/rancher preference for a single ag news source. Apps, radio, e-newsletters/blogs, websites and printed farm publications were the top five sources mentioned.

“The study reflects the importance of understanding ag usage for marketing and media plans,” states Mark Vogel, Senior Partner. “Unlike consumer media, traditional media (radio and print) are still critical components of a plan with gradual increases in digital media consumption.”

For a copy of the topline report, email Mark Vogel:  [email protected].